Lim, Lyn; Bannert, Maria; van der Graaf, Joep; Fan, Yizhou; Rakovic, Mladen; Singh, Shaveen; Molenaar, Inge; Gašević, Dragan: How do students learn with actual-time customized scaffolds? Misevic, Dusan; Atal, Ignacio; Bedard, Denis; Cherel, Eric; Escamilla, José; Evans, Linda; Hannon, Valerie; Huron, Caroline; Irrmann, Olivier; Kizilcec, Rene; Lazega, Emmanuel; Lemoie, Kerri; Lindner, Ariel; Macedo, Mariana; Mainguy, Gaell; Mann, Richard; Masselot, Camille; Michelucci, Pietro; Nikolayeva, Iryna; Ogan, Amy; Pérez-Sanagustín, Mar; Pescetelli, Niccolo; Poquet, Sasha; Rafner, Janet; Regester, Dominic; Santolini, Marc; Sevin, Jean-Marc; Shahaf, Dafna; Sherson, Jacob; Smith, Jacksón; Söllner, Mattias; Soulié, Françoise; Taddei, François; Tupikina, Liubov; Van Der Leeuw, Sander: Harnessing collective intelligence for the way forward for studying – a co-constructed research and improvement agenda. Michaeli, T., Romeike, R. & Seegerer, S.: What college students can learn about synthetic intelligence – recommendations for K12 computing schooling. Proceedings of the third Teaching Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Workshop, PMLR , 2023accepted for publication more… Proceedings of Constructionism 2023, 2023 more… Lehrgangsangebot der ALP, 2023 extra… In: Jahrbuch der berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Forschung 2022. Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2023, 53-seventy three extra… Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bielefeld 2022 41, 2023 extra…

Maeve Wiley from Sex Education art design flat illustration illustrator vector 20. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2023 extra… Netzwerktagung der Familiengrundschulzentren im Ruhrgebiet, 2023 more… Munk, S.; Böheim, R.; Holzberger, D.: Welche Rolle spielt die Fehlerkultur bei der Beteiligung am Unterrichtsgespräch? Munk, S. & Ziernwald, L.: Einsatz digitaler Medien und Abbau von Geschlechterunterschieden im MINT Bereich – MINTeressante Einblicke in unsere Forschungssynthesen. Munk, S., Ziernwald, L. & Holzberger, D.: Welche Rolle können Forschungssynthesen bei der Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften spielen? Moser, S., Buchmayer, I., Lewalter, D., Deibl, I., Fleischer, T., Maier, S., Strah, A. & Zumbach, J.: Influences on Current Motivation in Digitally Supported Learning – An Analysis Using Regression and Necessary Condition Analysis. Michaeli, T., Seegerer, S., Kerber, L. & Romeike, R.: Data, Trees, and Forests – Decision Tree Learning in K-12 Education. Michaeli, T.: Die Henne und das Ei – Absolvent:innen im Lehramt Informatik 20 Jahre nach Einführung des Schulfaches in Bayern. Maurer, Julian Walter: E-Government im Bankwesen – Die Bedeutung der Digitalisierung öffentlicher Verwaltungsangebote für deutsche Kreditinstitute.

In: n D. Lewalter, J. Diedrich, F. Goldhammer, O. Köller, & K. Reiss (Ed.): PISA 2022: Analyse der Bildungsergebnisse in Deutschland. Moser, Steffen: Gestaltung von kollaborativen Lernumgebungen für den Erwerb digitaler Kompetenzen – Die Rolle von authentischen Lernaufgaben zur Initiierung regulierter Lernprozesse in der Erwachsenenbildung. Meinherz, Franziska; Mögele, Michael; Nitschke, Luca; Marquardt, Editha; Schneidemesser, Dirk von: Die experimentelle Stadt: Ent- oder (Re)politisierung städtischer Transformationen? Polarisierte Welten. Matzner, Nils; Wieser, Matthias: Die Herstellung von Online-Publika des Bachmannpreises. Meyer, Sarah R.; Hardt, Selina; Brambilla, Rebecca; Shukla, Shruti; Stöckl, Heidi: Sociological Theories to explain Intimate Partner Violence: A systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis. “It’s not about ideas or theories – it’s about real individuals and that’s my concern. And that mediates every interaction that you have with non sex-working people. Numerous individuals are doing what they can to stop a repetition of final time. And you may be honest with out relaying every single element of your previous. You’ve most likely heard tv referred to as “the opiate of the lots,” and in some ways that may be true. Four when I used to be learn as extra feminine, it’s like, no, that’s not true.

The draughtsman (actually a child) makes four different drawings, resembling a canine. Manga are sometimes merely black-and-white drawings, with only occasional color, and feature stories that appeal not to boys, but to ladies. Alice’s and Jenny’s stories are performed out on a larger scale throughout the country. Currently, 24 out of the 50 U.S. Currently, input units range from controllers with two or three buttons to digital gloves and voice recognition software. Mr Stanton based the JFC on a huge enterprise of shops, businesses and two giant farms, producing tens of millions of pounds in annual turnover. Bibliography.-See H. C. Adams, Science of Finance; C. C. Plehn, Introduction to Public Finance; E. R. A. Seligman, Essays in Taxation; Bureau of the Census, Wealth, Debt and Taxation (1913); and the annual publications Financial Statistics of States and Financial Statistics of Cities. Loder, Allister; Cantner, Fabienne; Adenaw, Lennart; Nachtigall, Nico; Ziegler, David; Gotzler, Felix; Siewert, Markus B.; Wurster, Stefan; Goerg, Sebastian; Lienkamp, Markus; Bogenberger, Klaus: Germany’s nationwide journey experiment in 2022: public transport for 9 Euro monthly — First findings of an empirical study. Loder, Allister; Cantner, Fabienne; Adenaw, Lennart; Bogenberger, Klaus: The 9 Euro Ticket: A Nation-Wide Experiment: Almost Fare-Free Public Transport for 3 Months in Germany: First Findings.