Metzger, Barbara; Loder, Allister; Kessler, Lisa; Bogenberger, Klaus: Spatio-temporal prediction of freeway congestion patterns utilizing discrete selection methods. Loder, Allister; Tskakarestos, Antonios; Elsten, Yannick; Bogenberger, Klaus: Revealing the Performance of a Rail-Transit System utilizing Social-Media Data: The Case of the Munich S-Bahn. Loder, Allister; Goerg, Sebastian: Choosing the Deutschlandticket – Stated and revealed proof from the 12 months-long panel study “Mobilität.Leben”. Loder, Allister; Kosuri, Lekha; Goerg, Sebastian: Choosing the Deutschlandticket – Understanding Intention and Ownership with Discrete Choice Methods. Loder, Allister; Dahmen, Victoria; Waldorf, Isabella; Álvarez-Ossorio Martinez, Santiago; Cantner, Fabienne; Bogenberger, Klaus: The Mobilität.Leben Study: A 20-Month Mobility-Tracking Panel. Loder, Allister: Multimodalen Verkehrsnetze: Kapazität und Erreichbarkeit. Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit, 2024, 9–29 more… Futures 163, 2024, 103442 extra… Association for Computing Machinery, 2024 extra… Michaeli, Tilman; Sentance,Sue; Bergner, Nadine: WiPSCE ’24: Proceedings of the 19th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research. Eleventh International Conference of EARLI SIG16 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning for Research on Learning and Instruction , 2024 extra…
8th Annual Meeting of the Cycling Research Board, 2024 extra… Culture 15, 2024, 1-25 more… Routledge & CRC Press (1. edn.), 2024, 478–489 more… Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2024, 191-219 more… Wege der Professionalisierung. Tagung an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Vorarlberg 2023. peDOCS, 2024, 131-134 extra… Case Studies on Transport Policy 15, 2024, 101148 more… Arbeitsberichte Mobility Policy 3, 2024 more… Meinherz, Franziska X.; Wentland, Alexander: Urban mobility policy in pandemic instances: An exploration of how Covid-19 affected coverage framings and priorities in eight European cities. Lämsä, J., de Mooij, S., Lim, L., Dever, D., Wiedbusch, M., Azevedo, R., Bannert, M., Gašević, D., Molenaar, I., & Järvelä, S.: CELLA@LAK24 workshop: Supporting Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Through Human-AI Collaboration. Kondmann, J., Eder, A., Stähli, R., Schroll, C., Brutzer, A. & Wittmann, E.: Anforderungen nachhaltiger Fachkräftequalifizierung an die Fachdidaktik Agrarwirtschaft. Lenz, K., Obersteiner, A., Wittmann, G.: Who benefits most from language-responsive learning supplies in arithmetic? Even in school, the people who stood up for me and understood my condition have been female.
1997’s “Goldeneye 007” for the Nintendo 64 was a smash hit — many people proceed to play it, although the system itself is outdated. This erasure that you talk about and describe in your e book is so layered and it seems to be different whether or not you’re interacting with people of different generations, with people of you know totally different notions of what the term bisexuality means, and you share some examples in your ebook of where the kind of existence or legitimacy of bisexuality as an Identity is questioned inside the queer community specifically, can you speak about when and why this erasure occurs? Or she may have accepted that she can never return, however intends to go away the navy on tenterhooks for as long as possible. Users may also browse the six divisions listed above. The movie was a huge important and industrial success, receiving six Academy Award nominations, including Best Actress nods for each Sarandon and Davis. If Quinn Hughes is the Canucks’ best player, who’s the subsequent best? Ludwig, Tobias; Pittich Daniel: Professionalisierung von beruflichen Lehrkräften für digital angereicherten bzw. Maurer, Julian Walter: E-Government im Bankwesen – Die Bedeutung der Digitalisierung öffentlicher Verwaltungsangebote für deutsche Kreditinstitute. Maurer, Julian Walter: Der Ansatz eigendynamischer politischer Prozesse als Erklärungsansatz in der Digitalpolitik – Das Fallbeispiel der elektronischen Patientenakte.
Ludwig, Tobias; Pittich, Daniel: Digitaler Unterricht als Entwicklungsaufgabe beruflicher Schulen – Studienergebnisse, Diskussion und Reflexion. Ludwig, Tobias; Pittich Daniel: Digital angereicherter Unterricht als Lern- und Professionalisierungsumgebung. Unterricht – Forschungsergebnisse zur Vorstudie und Hauptstudie. Einblicke in den aktuellen Forschungsstand und Ausblick auf den Unterricht. Munk, S.: Unterricht für morgen: Selbstreguliert, digital und differenziert? Munk, S.: Geschlechterunterschiede im Bildungskontext. Kraitzek, A. & Förster, M.: Adaptation and Validation of the U.S. Michel, S. & Förster, M.: Challenge-based mostly Learning for Social Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational Schools. A research on valuation practice and habitus in an interdisciplinary social science area generating forest-related information, knowledge and evidence. Lechner, Miriam Sarah: Digital media to boost learning in informal studying contexts – With a deal with data acquisition, motivational and cognitive features particularly within the STEM discipline. Pädagogischen Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz, 2024 extra… Spezial HT2023, 2024 more… The Journal of Sex Research, 2024 extra… I try to not have a contract or demand payment of intercourse.